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AKUC Admin

Respiratory Illness in Children on the Rise in the Valley

As state health officials are prepping for a major spike in flu cases this month, Kylee from AZ Family was at AllKids Urgent Care in Gilbert talking with Dr. Sheena Banerjee about respiratory illnesses in children.

This is an extremely busy time, all the respiratory viruses have shown an uptick in our community in the last few weeks.  First we had cough and congestion, then the dreaded flu showed up, and it will definitely be followed by RSV.

It’s not too late to get your children a flu shot as we will be seeing another peak around April or May and this year’s flu shot has been a much better match in kids than years’ previous.  Children will be covered in a matter of weeks and will get through the next batch healthy.

Personal Hygiene Tips to Teach Your Kids

If your little one has a runny nose, teach them to use a tissue, but only once.  After wiping the nose, throw the tissue away, and wash your hands.  Also, teach them to sneeze into their elbows as most respiratory viruses are air borne and will land on surfaces if the sneeze goes into the air.

Mesa Pediatric Urgent Care and Gilbert Pediatric Urgent Care

AllKids Urgent Care believes that all kids deserve the best. Both our Mesa Pediatric Urgent Care and our Gilbert Pediatric Urgent Care are open from noon to 10 pm daily, including holidays, so we are available when kids (and parents) need us most. For more information on our pediatric urgent care clinics, click here for more information.

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